Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Server Homesystem

Hey gang,

Our server has a home system! Come check out Alpha Erebus Minoris and claim your own world, or mess around together on the communal homeworld: Erebus Minoris III.

If you want to claim a world in the Erebus Minoris system, shoot me an email (rppiels@gmail.com) or message me in game if I'm on. I'll mark the list below, and it's all yours! Hanging out in the same star system lets us build our creative projects in relative proximity to one another to cut back on fuel costs and fiddly coordinates whenever we want to visit.

Home System Worlds

Alpha Erebus Minoris

X: 22352904
Y: 12851342

I: Desert (claimed by Alex)
Ia: Forest (unclaimed)
Ib: Asteroid Field (unclaimed)

II: Arid (unclaimed)
IIa: Snow (unclaimed)

III: Forest (Communal homeworld)
IIIa: Arid (unclaimed)
IIIb: Desert (unclaimed)
IIIc: Forest (unclaimed)
IIId: Asteroid Field (unclaimed)
IIIe: Moon (unclaimed)

IV: Forest (claimed by Pat)
IVa: Forest (unclaimed)
IVb: Snow (unclaimed)
IVc: Forest (unclaimed)

V: Desert (claimed by Colin)
Va: Moon (unclaimed)
Vb: Moon (unclaimed)
Vc: Moon (unclaimed)

VI: Arid (unclaimed)
VIa: Desert (unclaimed)
VIb: Forest (claimed by Royce and Lizz)

VII: Can't land!
VIIa: Asteroid Field (unclaimed)

VIII: Snow (unclaimed)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

New patch/wipe, new server info

The new patch is here (patch notes), and characters have been wiped. With this fresh start, we're re-launching our Starbound server. Lizz and I are running the server on a dedicated machine which will have 24/7 uptime, minus some server restarts here and there to clear memory. To connect, you'll need to enter the following information when joining multiplayer:

IP: evarynstarbound.no-ip.org
Password: ************

Please contact me for the password. Major thanks goes out to Lizz for setting up the server using her linux wizardry.

There's no whitelist system in place yet, but feel free to pass the server info around among our usual minecraft crowd. New faces are welcome too if you've got someone in mind, all I'd ask is you let me know ahead of time so we can plan bandwidth allocation. Right now we think we can support ~10 users online simultaneously, but we'll need to do some more testing.

Go forth and enjoy! I'll make a post sometime this week about our new home star system, once I have some time to explore a bit. If you have any suggestions in the meantime, feel free to shoot them my way.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Server Reset - new stuff!

The server has been fully reset following the release of the new beta version, Angry Koala. This lets us enjoy all the new features (read more about them here), but sadly our old worlds and ship are gone. Anything that happened to be on your characters is safe and will carry over to the new server universe.

I'll be taking down the post about our old home system. It's still beta after all, so there will be future wipes. With the most recent update, we can now teleport to our home world for free. We all share the same home world by default, so feel free to build all over it while you venture the stars.

When things settle down after the official release, we can get more organized again, until then have fun exploring and Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

[Rule] Exploring vs. Colonization

Just a quick rule regarding exploration within our home system, Australis 4400 Erebus Minor is.

If you do not own a world (i.e. you have not chosen it to settle for yourself), please leave it unexplored. This ensures that when somebody chooses a world to settle in the Australis Erebus system, they don't arrive to find it picked clean. This only applies to worlds in our home system – anything outside of Australis 4400 Erebus Minoris is free game. There's a bazillion worlds out there. Go forth and explore! 

Then bring all the loot back to your world in our home system, and build all the cool things.