Our server has a home system! Come check out Alpha Erebus Minoris and claim your own world, or mess around together on the communal homeworld: Erebus Minoris III.
If you want to claim a world in the Erebus Minoris system, shoot me an email (rppiels@gmail.com) or message me in game if I'm on. I'll mark the list below, and it's all yours! Hanging out in the same star system lets us build our creative projects in relative proximity to one another to cut back on fuel costs and fiddly coordinates whenever we want to visit.
Home System Worlds
Alpha Erebus Minoris
X: 22352904
Y: 12851342
I: Desert (claimed by Alex)
Ia: Forest (unclaimed)
Ib: Asteroid Field (unclaimed)
II: Arid (unclaimed)
IIa: Snow (unclaimed)
III: Forest (Communal homeworld)
IIIa: Arid (unclaimed)
IIIb: Desert (unclaimed)
IIIc: Forest (unclaimed)
IIId: Asteroid Field (unclaimed)
IIIe: Moon (unclaimed)
IV: Forest (claimed by Pat)
IVa: Forest (unclaimed)
IVb: Snow (unclaimed)
IVc: Forest (unclaimed)
V: Desert (claimed by Colin)
Va: Moon (unclaimed)
Vb: Moon (unclaimed)
Vc: Moon (unclaimed)
VI: Arid (unclaimed)
VIa: Desert (unclaimed)
VIb: Forest (claimed by Royce and Lizz)
VII: Can't land!
VIIa: Asteroid Field (unclaimed)
VIII: Snow (unclaimed)